Enjoyable Experience

I’m emailing to simply let you know how much of an enjoyable experience I had at your Hyundai of Hickory location yesterday while purchasing my Genesis. I had the pleasure of working with Dylan Burns and believe he showed so much grace and commitment to ensuring I walked away with a car that I wanted and within a feasible range. I’m a woman of faith and was led to the Hickory location, I believe, by the Most High God. I had come out of a weekend of incredible spiritual revelations and had been asking God for favor in this season. While sorting out the details of the purchase, Dylan handed me The Richest Man that Ever Lived, a book I had been committing to read for 2 years. I felt it was God speaking to me as I continue to walk into my calling.

I say all of this to not only elevate Dylan, but you as a leader because Dylan made it clear that my experience and his approach yesterday was a direct reflection of YOU. Thank you for carrying God into your business and hiring people like him to do the same.
